If you weren't over at Dana Savage's (please pronounce Sah-VAHGE) sponsor's
house on Saturday... WHERE WERE YOU?! Well, I know where SOME tall beings
were, but more on that to come later... So, the Foreman admits that he
was a little late to the most hoppin' construction site in Avalon, but
goode intentions were there. "Pious" Peter Katzfey, Marky Mark Davison,
and I went to a "happening" area in Sea Isle City... a place called Ocean
Drive. Seemed like a perfect place to land a job. Being that our CONSTRUCTION
crew was on hiatus for some time... Marky Mark was involved in a long-term
project that turned sour when he realized that he had built on loose ground
and the foundation collapsed around him. Thank goodeness that he's lost
relatively few working hours as a result of this devastation. "Pius" Peter
has been on his usual spree of random surveying, and was in rare form...
he ALMOST hit paydirt with a consultation inquiry over dinner with our
sponsor, but the site turned out to be in too snooty of an area. Peter
was disillusioned. Personally, the Foreman is in-between jobs right now
(taking offers), having just abandoned a modest home in DC to pursue other
interests... only to have my other job offer cancel on me. Let that
be a lesson to all of you -- don't abandon the site until you've A) demolished
the remains, B) Gotten a SECURE better offer and surveyed the site, or
C) both A and B. But I digress...
So upon arriving at Miss Sah-VAHGE's lot, I found a throng (note: NOT THONG,
I said THRONG) of eager craftsmen and women honing their skillz. I must
admit, hard work like I saw when I arrived upon the scene brought a tear
to this master-craftsman's eye... You guys are great. Let's take a peek
at the happenings at Savage Structures, Inc...
"Action" Jackson got a name this week...
Kool's a hardworker, no doubt about it!
Ooow, VP... hydrating... essential for hard work!
Stoner really loves his bottle of love potion...
Speaking of Stoner, what is that sign that
he's making with his fingers? Is that some
sort of way of saying he's ready to
commence construction?!
"I propose a toast to the Catholic Choir, to which we owe all this!"
"I'll drink to that! Heck, I'll drink to pretty much anything!!!"
Katie KNOWS how to put in two at a time, I mean, overtime...
Scooter... Blowing kisses at a cute contractor?